Monster Chess

Monster chess is what is known as a “chess variant” – a game that is similar to standard but with a few differences. Nonetheless, chess variants are helpful and incredibly fun to play. In monster chess, black plays with a full set of pieces while white only plays with four pawns and a king. Here’s what the setup looks like:

Monster Chess Setup
Monster Chess Setup

The rules to monster chess are fairly simple. Standard chess rules apply to everything except the way white can move and checkmates. Lets start with the way white can move. For every turn white gets, they are allowed to execute 2 moves. They can either move two different pieces or they can move 1 piece twice. Here’s two examples of how white can use their first turn:

Because white can execute 2 moves for every 1 turn they have, that makes checkmating a little different too. Black will be in checkmate when, no matter where they move, white will be able to take the black king in one or two moves. And white will be in checkmate when it takes them more than two moves to escape. Here are some examples of checkmate:

That’s just about everything on monster chess! Have fun playing!








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